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Run Allocations

Run Reports

Hours of Duty

Roster Changes

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Run Allocations

The Resident Doctors Support Team allocates runs at the beginning of the year. Once the list is published, you can only change or swap a run by contacting the Resident Doctors Support Team.

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Run Reports

At the end of each run, your consultant writes a report on your performance.

You should discuss this report with the person who writes it, write your own comments, and receive a copy of the report.

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Hours of Duty

Your hours of work are those provided in your run description (available on the RMO Intranet) plus any agreements with the Resident Doctors' Association.

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Roster Changes

The RDST Coordinators and/or the Service normally arrange the duty rosters.

Any roster changes need the consent of the team(s) affected by the change. The change will then be reviewed by the Resident Doctors Support Team, Duty Manager, or Service Manager, who must be satisfied that the alternative arrangements are adequate.

If you receive consent for any change of duties, you must notify the affected Wards, the Communications Office, and if necessary, the Outpatients Department or Operating Theatre.

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Topic Code: 11794